Well I started running again. Here is a shot of yours truly ready to run his first 5K in a few years. I’ll have you know that I’ve been told that I look like Superman in running shorts in this photo. So with that I am inspired to run my next 5K in leotards, a Superman shirt, and of course a red cape. See if you can spot me in the lineup.

Remember the Trap Sleigh project that we started on in the last blog? Well it’s done. Damned if I can find the pictures of it but it’s done. So the placeholder above is waiting for me to locate those shots. It came together very quickly and turned out beautifully. As you may recall I had a very tight deadline so we really didn’t have a good chance for a nice photo shoot. I’ll track them down and get back at you on that one.

The Columbus Carriage Classic was this past weekend. That is always a big event for Columbus. We were busy as usual over the course of the weekend although this year I took a huge step back in my obligations to the show. The last eleven years have been a blast but sometimes a person needs a breather. We hosted a party on Saturday evening which was very well attended. Even until the wee hours of the morning. The photo above is by my buddy Rod taken at the 2009 Columbus Carriage Classic.
A big project that rolled out the door since my last blog was this Brewster Park Drag restoration. A spectacular vehicle that we are so proud to have restored. Projects like this are interesting but one thing about them is they seem to go on forever. Details, details, details. Whew.
We’ve spent the last few weeks working on a shop renovation. We were in pretty dire straights for some additional workspace in all areas. Adding on wasn’t in the cards right now so we chose to reorganize and make the most of what we have. Some of you may recall our former showroom at our farm. That building has been very underutilized since our move downtown. We’ve made much better use of that building by creating a new final assembly area there which allowed us to gain a little more metal shop shown above.

So last on the list has to be The Great American Time Machine Experiment. My friends are pretty aware of the GATME project but there are a whole bunch of you out there that are not. Well, I must say it’s the best idea I’ve had yet. We are going to move forward on that project this year with the GATME festival happening in 2011 in Columbus. Now that I’ve given you enough information to think I’m completely over the edge I think I’ll leave it at that. Maybe tomorrow I’ll expand on this thought to start the momentum.
Have a great Tuesday!