A friend of mine was at the show shooting a few photos. He has been tossing some my way over the last few days and I really like what I see. Rod Melotte has a unique style of photography which is very vivid and almost historic in nature. How he does this I’m not sure. I am certain he would divulge every secret in detail if you ask him. I think he has a really good camera. Everyone knows that a really good camera is the secret to good photography. Click on any photo to enlarge.

The Columbus Carriage Classic takes place on the lawn at the Columbus Firemen’s Park. The backdrop for the weekend is the historic Firemen's Park Pavilion. This structure was built in the early 1900’s by our local volunteer fire department. The building is now a Columbus landmark on the National Register of Historic Places. The first photo appears to have been shot off the veranda of the pavilion. This shot directly above shows the ring and the pavilion during competition.

Here competitor Bob Long of Watertown Wisconsin circles the ring. Bob, a long time friend and client is driving a Meadowbrook Show Cart built by Colonial Carriage Works. When Bob is not driving carriages he is raising alpacas. You can learn more about his Alpaca farm at www.longviewgrange.com . Seated at Bob's left is Phillip Oden. Phil is a breeder and trainer of Fjord horses. When Phil is not working horses he is working with wood. Phil and his wife Else are highly skilled in the art of traditional Norwegian wood carving. You can see more about their work at www.norskwoodworks.com .

Of the photos I have seen from Rod I think this one is my favorite so far. It shows Howard Kietzke driving his pair to a newly restored Roof Seat Break by Henry Hooker. Howard has also been a long time friend, customer and fellow carriage nut. Howard purchased this vehicle from us I suppose almost 10 years ago now. Howard personally restored this beautiful carriage and the Columbus show was the maiden voyage. I really like the angle of the shot, the background, all very well done. Howard won Best of Show at the 2009 Columbus Carriage Classic with this turnout.
Thanks to Rod for the photos. To learn more about the photography of Rod Melotte visit www.melottephotoimagery.com or visit his blog at www.publicenemiescolumbus.blogspot.com.
Have a great day.
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