I could never be a truck driver. I would weigh 300 pounds. Sitting behind the wheel ten hours a day and eating the garbage food (but it’s so yummy) that I find along the way. Maybe that will be my resolution for 2010. To eat better when I’m traveling. And exercise and loose weight. Just like my 2009 resolution.
Oh, and the roundabouts. Those might give me a heart attack too. I’m just poking my Columbus friends that are so in love with roundabouts. Driving a car through a roundabout is one thing. Driving a vehicle that‘s fifty feet long in heavy traffic someplace you have never been before is a whole different story. Pity the poor souls that drive tractor-trailers through those things every day. I think I would be tempted to just go straight up the middle.
So we are working on another Albany Cutter. This is not the one of the most recent blogs. This one is for a client and it’s much further along. It’s been in the hopper for a while and it’s nearing completion. The artwork and striping was recently completed an it is back for upholstery.
Our client wanted a painting of their Springer Spaniel incorporated into the sleigh. It was not uncommon to see dogs or other animals painted on sleighs like this. Especially the Albany style.
The Albany was a sports car. They were light, fast, and flamboyant. There was typically substantial artwork and striping on these sleighs to attract attention. Sort of like the guy in the little silver Porsche blowing past you in the roundabout when you are trying in vain to keep your trailer out of the inside lane.
Here is a close up view of Mr. Springer Spaniel. Our client sent us a photograph and our artist created and outstanding interpretation of that image. All of the striping and art on this sleigh is painted by hand just like they did back in the day.
They selected deep maroon in combination with dark green for the primary colors. The upholstery will be done in tan mohair. We should wrap this project up within a month or so and it should be sitting next to their fireplace for the holidays.
If you like this sleigh the other Albany in the shop right now could be yours. It is near a point where you could select the colors and upholstery to fit your setting. I love doing these sleighs. They are such a little work of art in themselves in the construction but the decoration puts them over the top. They look spectacular next to the fireplace or the Christmas tree. Especially in a condo in, well, I don’t know. Maybe Vail Colorado? I’m available for December delivery.
Have a great day.
I just wanted to let you know how beautiful I think your artisan restoration work on these sleighs and carriages are. I have been around the work of some of the masters, such as Patrick Schroven, and I think even he would find your work remarkable. It is so wonderful to have a talented carriage artisan such as yourself in the US.
Great carriage, design, everything.
Once I take my wife to central park and we take a carriage through the park, and she have a happy face all the way.
She's still in love with the little trip. haha
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