I was moving some sleighs around last night. Had a new arrival to move into the showroom. It was a nice evening for it. A little cold but calm winds and clear skies. Just a pretty winter night in Wisconsin. It appears that we will be leveled by this time tomorrow. Massive, powerful winter storm headed right for Columbus, Wisconsin. It’s going to be a blizzard! Woohoo!
Our Brewster Sleigh project is in pieces. The runners are apart and the body has been removed. The body is in waiting to be stripped.
Bob has been working on the runners and they are pretty well stripped other than the dash. Some pretty tough paint on the dash that has been difficult to strip. There is a big difference in the finishes used back in the day. High end manufacturers like Brewster put a whole lot more paint on than most of the mass production factories producing the run of the mill vehicles.
While Bob is working on the runners, Dale is starting assembly of the Brewster Tub Cart. The spring mounts are now fastened to the body as well as the dash. It is really looking nice.
The seat backs for that vehicle have assembled and cleared. Ryanne has them at the downtown shop ready to start on upholstery. She has been working on the flat cushions which should be done in a few more days. The original cushion stuffing is really in beautiful condition so she is re-using the innerds. Sorry about that but when was the last time your saw the word innerds?
Can’t wait to see what things look like tomorrow. I’m planning the Blizzard Blog already. As much as I’m really not looking forward to cleaning it up you have to admit being in the heart of a blizzard is pretty cool.
Have a great Tuesday!
Todd, A. Rogers better then B. Favre? You must be crazy.
On a related note, check out the picture in this article. My family was honored last night at the game during halftime!
Hey John it's great to hear from you. Outstanding photo of a great family. Thanks to your family for keeping us all safe. I wish they would have shown that on TV. Are they standing on the same field that A. Rodgers plays on? Wow.
Farve who?
Drop me an email with an update sometime. Hope you two are doing well. Hey to Ang.
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