These old fashioned winters make it a little tough to get out running and walking. A few years ago I ran every morning through the winter. Never missed a one. Snow, below zero, wind, whatever. Actually had a blast doing it but the winter cooperated a little bit more than the last two which helped. These big snows lead to big icy patches along the route. Not so fun then. Maybe I need to find some spikes…
We are diving into the restoration of an early Brewster Sleigh. Like I have said in the past Brewster built some very unique sleighs. They tend to have such a distinctive look that you can spot them from a mile away. I’ve just never seen sleighs by other manufacturers that look like this.
All in all it is in really nice and solid condition. The original snow screen is in good condition and it appears that we will be able to clean it up without replacing the screens. The dash is nicely shaped and in good condition. There are a few minor cracks in the body but all in all a good place to start.
We take numerous detailed photos like this to have a record of finishes and striping. Most of the paint is off the runners but the body is pretty intact. The runners were originally painted red and the body black. I can’t find enough paint anywhere on the runners to determine a striping color. If you look closely you can see the remains of red stripes outlining the raised trim on the body.
The upholstery work is very elegant. Beautiful tufted seat in blue broadcloth trimmed in a heavy cord fabric. In this photo you can see the pleated falls on the fronts of the seats. The original leather seat back is also in place. That is a pretty unique detail.
I guess I better get outside and start moving some snow around. Also need to get prepared for the blizzard on Tuesday night. They are saying blizzard conditions so that usually means it will miss us completely. Nonetheless better stock up on diesel fuel for the skid loader, check the oil, get things ready to battle the drifts.
Have a great Monday!
Run, Todd, run. See Todd run through the ice and snow...maybe Santa will bring you some snow shoes!
What a great sleigh! Beautiful lines! And the upholstery is super cool, too. I normally don't get all that excited about sleighs, but can't wait to see the CCW loving restoration on this one!
Thanks for continuing your postings. I am really looking forward to seeing this sleigh finished. When you say you use a clear coat, what exactly are you using? And is your color coat an oil based paint?
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