If you have never seen a load of Albany here it is. A whole load of it. This Albany cutter came in yesterday. It’s without question a project but not beyond hope. The dash is bad. It fell victim to a hungry horse with a taste for Albany. I can just read his mind as he was chomping down on this sleigh. “Dashing through the snow my ass”. Sorry but I had to say the “a” word to make it all work. Sort of like the director that put the sex scene in the action movie for no apparent reason.
We are putting final touches on the Brewster Park Phaeton restoration. I blogged about this vehicle a couple of weeks ago. We are nearing completion and it will roll out the door next week Tuesday. Ryanne is finishing up the upholstery. Dale and I will be doing the striping over the next couple days. A few other odds and ends and it will be ready to go. This is a really lovely carriage and you will see a lot more of it over the next couple days.
The Whiskey continues to progress. The patent leather shaft trim is now installed and the striping will be getting laid out this afternoon.
The body is now all shiny. The vermillion was sanded and everything was cleared today. It looks really sharp when the final coats of clear go on to pull the finish all together.
I cannot overstate the importance of the striping. It completely makes or breaks the vehicle. Be it color, workmanship, or style. It can get screwed up in any of those areas. The striping color for the Whiskey is black done in a broad line style. In the old days this was also referred to as drag style. Not because the artist was a cross dresser but Park Drags were striped in broad, bold stripes hence drag style. We still need a spear at the base of the spokes but otherwise these are complete. If you ask me these wheels look HOT or in fancy carriage speak HAUT.
That’s it see you tomorrow.
Have a great evening.
1 comment:
Yeah! "Vermillion" five posts in a row, Todd you are the master.
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