We drove two horses yesterday so I managed to be out for a good couple hours. One pony and one horse to be specific. I must say I had a blast. Just like the last time. I am excited about this for two reasons. Number one it has been really fun and even though it is closely tied to my daily work it feels like a new experience. Number two I am optimistic that it may give me some new perspectives as we continue to create and develop new vehicles.
Work continues at a fevered pace on the Whiskey. Ryanne has the flat cushion and the wedge nearly complete. In the background you can see the beginnings of the lazy back cushion ready to go together.
Dale has the shafts in vermillion with clear. The axle is mounted and for all practical purposes the wheels are ready to go on this portion and roll away. He still has to stripe the chassis which will probably wait until Monday. This paint is a little green to be working on too much. It will be striped with a broad black line. Then of course shaft trim and any remaining hardware installation.
Bob & Brandon have the wheels sanded the second time around and they are being painted today. Getting these done today is great as it gives them the weekend to cure out a little before striping.
This is a sign I always like to see. Both wheels ready for paint. Like I’ve said before wheels can be the worst. They take a lot of time to get them to this stage but once they are in color it’s all worth the effort. Well I’m off to the races. I have a busy day today with a lot on the agenda.
Have a great weekend.
I am going to start counting how many times you say "vermillion" on this blog. I never heard that word used so much. Vermillion.
I kind of like it.
Hey John,
I could say orange but that sounds so ordinary. Besides I have some guy's following the blog that drink a shot every time I say "vermillion" so just trying to help their cause.
How are you guy's doing? Say Hi to Angella for me.
Whoops typo Angela. Are you guys headed this way any time soon?
Not headed back 'til Christmas time. We should try and get together then, though.
Vermillion! (Take that, drinking gamer)
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