Not only is the building finally coming together but all of the ugly wires and crooked poles are going away. All the overhead wiring is coming down and being buried which will be a nice change along the street at City Hall. The parking lot across the street is also getting a fresh coat of pavement. Progress at last.
Work continues on the Kimball Brougham. Here we have the door with the newly replaced panel. It is being spot filled in a few areas before it goes into the booth for primer coat number one.
The body is ready for primer. The hard coat sealer has cured and been sanded. This sanding removes the glaze and creates a good surface for primer adhesion.
Small chassis parts are moving from first coat primer into second coat. All the parts have been sand blasted and primed. Every part is hand sanded then moved in for 2nd coat primer.
As the parts are sanded they are hung back in the booth to be primed again. Here you see the spring sections sanded and ready for another coat.
All the small parts have now been shot with a second coat as well as the doors getting their first coat of primer.
It takes a heavy coat of primer to fill the wood grain of the body parts. This door will now move into the shop to be block sanded by hand.
I’m on the road today. A delivery and a couple pick ups of parts and a very interesting carriage. I’ll keep it a secret until it’s in the trailer but I’m really excited about this one. Maybe we’ll see it on the blog tomorrow. We’ll see what time we get back home.
Have a great day.
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