I’ve been searching and searching. Finally found one. I knew there had to be one someplace and I finally found it. I just knew it had to exist. Hours of looking and I finally found the holy grail.
A photo of Cheryl without our dog in it. Well it has a llama in it but at least no Sonny. The really good news is I found a whole bunch of photos of my bride without the dog. I guess the down side is they all have llamas. When Cheryl is not helping with the carriage business, or working on old buildings, she is busy taking care of her llamas. This is a shot of Cheryl and Rosie in Oklahoma City at the Celebrity Llama Sale.
Another project in the works at Colonial Carriage. We are actually looking to put the finishing touches on this restoration within the next few weeks. It’s been in the shop for a while and finally wrapping up. This is an early Brewster Park Phaeton. This carriage has very classic Brewster lines and it has been a fun project. Here we’ve just rolled it off the trailer and getting a few shots before it goes in the showroom.

The Brewster is in for a complete restoration. Here is the project in the early stages. The body has been removed and the chassis is ready to dismantle. The top and what’s left of the upholstery will come out and be saved for patterns.
So we have a big pile of chassis parts. Every last nut and bolt is out and stripped. All the leaf springs taken apart and everything either hand stripped or blasted.
So through the magic of blogovision the body has been painted, the chassis is back together and all in paint as well. The chassis is a deep burgundy and the body is black.
Here we have a shot moving it from one building to the next. The only portion left to paint are the wheels. They are in primer and sanded ready to shoot. So right now all the paint work is complete. The shafts are trimmed, striped and ready to go. Right now the body of the Brewster park Phaeton is at Greg Hunt’s shop in the process of getting a new leather top and some trim work. It comes back next week for some final trim, striping and assembly.
Have a great day.
1 comment:
That IS a nice photo - well done - BUT - it's like taking photos of swim suit models - not too hard to get a good one!
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